Change the date and time of a new moment
When creating a new moment simply tap the 'edit time' icon (2) alongside the moment you wish to change the time.
You can only edit the time of individual moments, not moment groups. To edit a moment group you will need to tap the 'edit' icon (3) alongside the group until you are displayed with the individual moments.
You will then be displayed with the 'edit time' icon (2).
Change the date and time of an existing moment
To change the date and time of a moment for a moment which has already been created you will first need to edit the moment by tapping the moment action (1) icon alongside the moment or moment group you wish to edit.
Then follow the steps as detailed in the 'Change the date and time of a new moment' section above.
1. Change the date
Tap the date to drop down the date selector. Scroll and select your desired date.
2. Change the time
Tap the time to drop down the time selector. Scroll and select your desired time.
3. Set to current date and time
Tapping the 'Set to current date and time' button to update all the date and time details with the current date and time at your location.