How do I know if Momento is still processing data?

Importing Data from Momento Classic

During the import process you will see your existing data begin to display in Momento.

Whilst the import process is underway you will see 'Importing Data...' in the activity status message at the top of the screen when viewing the 'Timeline' tab.

After data has been imported Momento you will be prompted by an alert which will let you know the import is complete. Momento will then need to update all the day summaries to reflect the changes to the new data. You will noticed that the activity status message at the top of the screen will change to 'Updating Summaries...' Once summaries have been updated your journal will be up to date.

Updating Feeds

When Momento is importing data from feeds you will see 'Updating Feeds...' in the activity status message at the top of the screen when viewing the 'Timeline' tab.

After data has been imported, Momento will then need to update all the day summaries to reflect the changes to the new data. You will notice that the activity status message at the top of the screen will change to 'Updating Summaries...' Once summaries have been updated your journal will be up to date.

Adding, Editing or Deleting Moments

If you add, edit or delete moments (including deleting feeds) then Momento will need to update all the day summaries to reflect these changes. Whilst this process is happening the activity status message at the top of the screen will change to 'Updating Summaries...' Once summaries have been updated your journal will be up to date.

How long will it take to process my data?

The length of time it will take for Momento to process data is dependent on the device you're using and the amount of data.

How can I speed up the process?

Due to iOS restrictions Momento can only process data for up to 10 minutes if another app is launched (i.e. Momento is sent to the background) or if your device goes to sleep.

If Momento is sent to the background or your device sleeps then data processing maybe paused until Momento is next relaunched.

Leaving Momento open and your device awake until the import process has completed is the quickest way to let Momento process your data. To keep your device awake and unlocked you will need to disable 'Auto-Lock' on your device in 'iOS Settings > General > Auto-lock'.

Please be aware that does mean that your device won't be protected by a lock-code whilst the process is underway. We recommend only doing this if you're in a secure environment.

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