Accessing iCloud Backups on your Mac

iCloud backups are stored in iCloud Drive but are hidden from view to avoid tampering. In most cases iCloud Backups should never need to be accessed directly.

Should you need to access the files these instructions will create a copy of your Momento iCloud Backups on your desktop.

Important: Your Mac will need to be logged into the same iCloud account as your device to carry out these steps.

Copying the files using Terminal

  1. Launch the 'Terminal' application which can be found in the 'Utilities' folder inside the 'Applications' folder. A quick way to find this is to search for it using Spotlight (Cmd+Space).
  2. Copy and paste the following text into Terminal. Be careful to ensure the full command is copied:

    rsync --progress -a  ~/Library/Mobile\ Documents/iCloud~com~d3i~momento/Backups ~/Desktop/Momento\ Backups

  3. Hit return. This will begin the copying of your iCloud backup files to a folder called 'Momento Backups' on your desktop.
  4. You will see the progress of the copy in the Terminal. Wait until this has completed.
  5. Once complete you can quit Terminal.
  6. Inside the 'Momento Backups' folder there will be a 'Backups' folder. This is the folder which you will need to copy to your device. We don't recommend modifying or removing any files inside that folder.

Restoring the files in Momento

To restore the files follow the instructions from the 'Restoring from Local Backups' section of the Restore FAQ.

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