It has been brought to our attention that iOS 14.5 will no longer run Momento Classic.
When attempting to launch the app you will see an error, "Momento needs to be updated. The developer of this app needs to update it work with this version of iOS."
Momento Classic was retired in 2015 in favour of Momento 3, which was completely rebuilt and redesigned from the ground up. We continued to support Momento Classic for just over 1 year as users migrated their data across to the new app.
In the final versions (2.9.5-2.9.7) of Momento Classic we included full screen notifications when launching the app warning of the risks of not upgrading to Momento 3 and transferring data. These risks were associated with potential future compatibility issues as the app would no longer be updated to work with any changes made to iOS. The notifications could only be dismissed by acknowledging the notification. In the final version (2.9.7) we left persistent prompts in the settings page of the app to upgrade to the latest version.
We are extremely surprised that the app continued to work with iOS for the following 6 years without any updates.
More information on the apps retirement is also covered in our FAQ article: The future of Momento Classic.
Running Momento Classic on iOS 14.5 and Upgrading to Momento 3
The upgrade process from Momento Classic to Momento 3 requires Momento Classic to be able to run. This is because the data needs to be exported from the old app. As a result of incompatibility this results in the process being unable to run.
However, since incompatibly arose it has been discovered (hat tip to Adam Engst)
that Momento Classic can still be run on iOS 14.5 using a workaround. There is no guarantee this will continue to work and Apple could 'fix' this workaround in aa future iOS update.
In order to do this you will need to 'offload' the app from your device. This must be done using the offload feature in iOS in order to ensure your Momento data remains on your device. If you delete the app it will result in complete data loss unless you have exported a backup manually and stored it in an alternative location (i.e. on your computer).
To off-load the app, follow the steps below:
1. Go to: Settings > General > iPhone Storage
2. Locate Momento Classic from the list. It will be named 'Momento' in the list and show with the red Momento icon.
3. Tap 'Offload App' and wait for the process to complete.
4. Tap 'Reinstall App' and wait for the process to complete. This can take some time and is prone to crashing the settings app. If this happens usually the app reinstallation has completed, so it's worth trying step 5 after a crash.
5. Return the home screen and relaunch Momento Classic.
6. Follow the steps to upgrade to Momento 3 here:
Future incompatibility
We'd like to stress that this workaround is likely temporary and it's extremely likely Momento Classic will no longer run in future versions of iOS. For this reason we strongly recommend upgrading to Momento 3 immediately to avoid any future data loss.
Unfortunately we can't provide support beyond this article. There is likely numerous compatibility issues with Momento Classic on the current version of iOS and these can no longer be fixed.
If you are experiencing compatibility issues your only option will be to restore a backup of your Momento Classic data (presuming you can still create one, or have one from a previous backup) on to an old iOS device running an older version of iOS.